Thursday, March 13, 2008

...and now for something completely similar

I feel compelled to address the announcement of the Bolt Bus, greyhound's new anti-Chinatown service that promises reduced prices, leather seats, wireless internet and electrical outlets. I'll admit that the day I first read about it, I was physically unable to concentrate on anything else, having bought tickets on this unseen yet miraculous vessel well into June. God bless free-market competition! I don't think I mean that.
BUT! Being trailblazers of the Mid-Atlantic travel that we are, you will read everything there is to know about the Bolt Bus here first! Its official debut review will be in two weeks by Lori has the distinct and prestegious pleasure of taking the inagural greyblog trip. I must admit to not reporting this news sooner out of selfish reasons, mainly I wanted to ensure that L and I bought all of our tickets first. I am sorry dear readers, but as Shirley MacLaine said in The Apartment, "that's the way it crumbles...cookie-wise"


Unknown said...

I am curious if you recieved the newspaper and the cup of joe they are promising? I know you enjoyed the ride! and your welcome

Lori said...

i did not receive any such perks.